Land and Environment Court
- Representation in Land and Environment Court development application appeals.
We have extensive experience acting for both Councils and Developers in Class 1 Development Appeals and Class 1 Residential Development Appeals, including for childcare centres, boarding houses, dual occupancies, mixed use developments, subdivision and various other residential, commercial and industrial developments.
- Representation in Land and Environment Court in Class 4 enforcement and Class 5 prosecution proceedings.
We act for a wide range of clients who commence and defend proceedings challenging the granting of development consent and actions seeking to enforce lawful development. We are experienced in prosecuting and defending charges brought in the Class 5 jurisdiction of the Court.
- Representation in Land and Environment Court appeals against Council orders.
We also assist clients in preparing necessary applications which seek to overcome matters arising from a Council order.
- Representation in Land and Environment Court matters relating to the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006.
We appear for both applicants for orders and for defendants to proceedings under the Trees Act and our firm has appeared in more than 20 such proceedings (which makes us one of the leading firms in this area of the law).