Council applications

  • Advice about the merits of a development application.

We have extensive experience in advising applicants during the development application (DA) process, including in relation to State and Local development standards and controls.  We provide advice and recommendations in relation to any required amendments to  achieve a successful outcome.   If necessary, we liaise closely with a wide range of experts, including architects, town planners, arborists, heritage consultants, and engineers, to bring the required amendments into effect.

  • Advice on existing use rights.

We provide Developers with clear, succinct, and strategic advice in relation to existing and proposed land use rights and will liaise with the relevant Council on your behalf.

  • Drafting and interpretation of environmental planning instruments, development control plans, contributions plans and other statutory planning controls.

We have extensive experience in interpreting the various planning related Acts, environmental planning instruments and development controls and providing clear and strategic advice on your best course of action in relation to them.

  • Advice with respect to Council orders.

We have a wide range of experience in advising landowners and occupiers in relation to Council orders and will liaise with the relevant Council on your behalf.  These include orders to demolish or remove a building or part thereof, including for unauthorised works, to repair or make structural alterations to a building, to fence land, to take action to comply with a development approval or to otherwise comply with legislative requirements.

  • Advice on planning proposals.

A planning proposal sets out and justifies proposed amendments to a Local Environmental Plan (LEP), or the intended effects of a new LEP.   We provide comprehensive and strategic advice in relation to planning proposals, whether initiated by a Developer or a Local Council.

  • Drafting of Voluntary Planning Agreements.

We prepare comprehensive Voluntary Planning Agreements for both Councils and Developers, tailored to specific needs while ensuring statutory compliance.

  • Advice on construction certificates, compliance certificates, occupation certificates and building information certificates.

We provide clear, succinct, and strategic advice and guidance on obtaining the relevant certificate/s and liaise with relevant experts and councils on your behalf.

  • Advice on subdivision applications.

We advise on the legal requirements of proposed subdivisions, including in relation to relevant planning controls, zoning, lot size, and appropriate type (Torrens title, Strata title, Community title or Stratum title).

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